Mom’s Light Bread

My Mom, the Princess, grew up calling this bread, “Light Bread.”

I think she got the term from my grandma.

I call this bread, “homemade memories of childhood goodness.”

“Us Kids,” Niener Wiener, Me, Jeanie Beanie and Brother, would wait in mouth watering anticipation, until the first hot loaf would finally come out of the oven.

Warm, lathered with butter, crusty and tender.

We were hungry little tow heads, that could (and did) devour as much bread as we could until Mom would finally shoo us from the kitchen.

Us kids, loved and still do love, Mom’s Light Bread. It magically switches our middle age brains into believing we are young, tow headed (not gray) and very hungry kids again.

MMMM…..Mom’s Light Bread.

Jeanie Beanie and I, just happened to have our spring break out of school, at the same time this year. Jeanie Beanie started planning a couple of months ago that she wanted Mom to teach her how to make homemade bread over break. I just invited myself to join in on the fun. So a week or so ago, over spring break, us two girls, went to Mom’s and made bread. We. Had. A. Blast. Not only did we hang out with Mom all day, my Aunt Pat and cousins Myra and Connie came for a visit too. We had our own little family reunion. We ate warm light bread with homemade strawberry jam and (real) butter.

Here is a picture of the beautiful Princess holding her cookbook with her bread recipe in it.

There is a story about this cookbook, that I will have to tell you all about another time. Don’t worry I won’t forget to tell you all about how my mom lost her prized recipe.


Anywho, back to making bread. My Mom is a serious bread maker. She has not made her bread in years (cause she lost her recipe) and of course she had hip replacements, breast cancer and a mastectomy.

But, my Mom is a survivor and she just keeps moving forward. She got busy making her bread so fast, I hardly had time to take pictures. I had to keep telling her to slow down. I think I  managed to get all the step by step pictures on how to make Mom’s bread. Whew….she wore me out : ).

Here is what you need, some butter, milk, yeast, flour, salt and lard to rub on top of the rising dough and to grease your pans with. Mom says lard makes all the difference.  Criso or lard….the choice is up to you. : ) I can just tell you I bought a small container of lard cause Mom said so.


First thing you need to do is dissolve the yeast in some warm water and stir it up to get all the lumps out.


In a large mixing bowl, add together the lard and  warm milk.


Add the dissolved yeast to the warm milk and lard mixture. Now add in your sugar and salt.


Now, here is secret number one to my Mom’s bread. Mom firmly believes in sifting the flour into the milk mixture.


She sifts a little flour and then mixes it up with her mixer. Then she sifts in some more flour.


She sifts in as much flour as she can mix with her hand mixer. (the mixer got a work out that day).


Next, Mom dumps the sticky dough on a flour covered counter and kneads in more flour.


She kneads in enough flour to make a soft dough. She makes sure she kneads the dough at least 10 minutes to help make the dough tender.


When the dough is ready. She put the dough in a bowl greased with lard. She also gently spreads lard on top of the dough. She covers the dough with wax paper to rise in a warm place.


When the dough rises, Mom takes the dough and punches it down. Then, puts the wax paper on top and lets it rise again, for a double rising.


After the dough has risen for the second time, Mom takes the dough and pinches off circles of dough and forms them into rolls.


She puts the rolls in a pan greased with lard (again). She took the rest of the dough and formed two loaves of bread. Yes, the pans were greased with lard. Let the dough rise until doubled in the pans. until at 400 degrees until browned.

As soon as they come out of the oven, Mom brushes the rolls with melted butter.

She brushes melted butter on the loaves of bread too. Doesn’t this bread look good enough to tear off a big piece?

Jeanie Beanie got to make some bread too. Mom keep a close watch as sis made her bread. She should get first place on her technique for kneading bread. Go Sis!

Jeanie Beanie managed to get her dough in her (lard greased) bowl just in time to rise before Aunt Pat and cousins Myra and Connie came to visit. I just wish I would have gotten a picture of all of eating bread. Boo!

I did get a lovely picture of The Princess and Jeanie Beanie, though…: )

Thank you for hanging in there and reading my long post about such a special day I had with my sister and mom!


Family and warm bread.

The perfect combination!

Here is the recipe.

Mom’s Light Bread

Adapted from Favorite Recipe from Home Economic Teachers.


1/2 cup warm water

2 packages of dry yeast

3 1/2 cup warm milk or water

1/4 cup sugar

2 tablespoons salt

10 1/2 to 11 1/2 cup flour

1/4 cup lard or shortening. (more for greasing the bowls, top of bread and pans)


Soak your yeast in warm water for 5 minutes. Combine yeast mixture and warm milk or water with sugar and salt in a large mixing bowl. Beat in 3 to 4 cups of sifted flour and lard into the liquid until smooth. Add remaining flour, mixing until the dough leaves the sides of the bowl. Turn your dough out onto a floured surface and knead  the dough for 6 to 10 minutes. Adding additional flour if necessary. Knead dough until it is elastic and smooth. Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl. Grease top of bowl and cover with waxed paper. Let rise in warm place about one hour or until double. Punch down and let rise again until nearly doubled. Dived the dough in four equal parts and shape into loaves or rolls. Bake at 400 degrees until brown, about 45 minutes for loaves of bread and 20 for rolls.

Yield 4 loaves.

Now, all you have to do is slice it and eat it till it is all gone!



Other Post you may enjoy reading:


Easter Bird Nest                                  Smashed Roasted Potatoes            Frozen Fluffy Strawberry Pie

Strawberry Row Update

This last week, I went to Company’s house after work and we quickly took down the floating row covers. The wind had ripped, pulled and stretched the agri fabric, so much so, that I doubt much is salvageable to use again. We pulled up the hoops that held up the fabric along with the U landscape wire that held the fabric down. With both of us working, we made short work of the taking the floating row covers. Now, that the weather should stay above 20 degrees at night, we felt pretty confident that we could uncover the strawberries and let all the sun shine in.

After I did some reading about the fabric, I guess we could have left the floating rows up longer. The fabric lets the sun and the rain in. It warms up the air by several degrees and protects the plants from frost. But, the professional strawberry planters that use this system, takes their fabric down around this time. So, we did too. (we like to pretend we know what we are doing)

Here is Company carrying the torn fabric back to the house. That is my shadow. Looks like Company is getting ready for a toga party!

We were not surprised that some of the strawberry plugs did not make it. We had all those nights of 20 degree below winds.

Don’t get too worried. We have more plants that made it than those that did not.

Some are playing a little peek a boo game with us.

Today, when I checked on them again, I found a bloom.


Hopefully, we will be in strawberry  heaven come May.

I even have more good news!

Look what is popping up out of the ground! These rows are the garlic and onion sets that we planted back in October/November.

Here is one of the grand girls helping plant the garlic.

Do the grand girls look like future farmers? ; ) Middle Grand Girl did not want to get her clothes dirty, so she is wearing one of Company’s t-shirts over her clothes. Oldest Grand Girl, does not care if she gets dirty. Ever….

Don’t they look good? I just wish I knew which ones were the garlic and which are the onions. hehe……

I will let Company figure it out.

He HATES onions.

Maybe, he will ask the visiting geese for help.

Anywho, I am going to have to plant other things soon.

I don’t think strawberries, onions and garlic taste too well together.

How is your gardening going?


Post  you may enjoy:


Strawberry Bread                             Mountain Dew Dumplings              Apple Sour Cream Crumb Pie



Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp

Have you ever heard of a plant called Rhubarb?

I know that I had never heard of it until I went to college and my foods teacher had us make rhubarb spread for biscuits.

I feel in love with rhubarb that day!

If you want to plant some rhubarb in your garden, now is the time to think about planting some. I tried planting some last spring. I think some varmit dug up my two crowns, that I paid $8.00 a piece for, and had them for dessert. You can read about me planting my rhubarb here. Anywho, I think I think I will be planting several crowns over at Company’s house this spring because he has more room. I hope my results will be better than last year!

Well anyway, my good friend Minerva, who I miss and have hardly seen over the last few months, gave me this terrific cookbook called, “Back in the Day Bakery Cookbook.” It is written by Cheryl and Griffith Day.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this cookbook. Of course it has my favorite food group (desserts) as the main attraction and the recipe looks divine. Last year, in my hopes of starting my own rhubarb plot (farm), I made this rhubarb crisp recipe from this cookbook. I think it lasted all off 10 minutes. It is made with strawberries and rhubarb and is topped with a crunchy, sugary topping.

Looking at my pictures of this mouth watering dessert, is tempting me to make some right now at 10:30 at night.

It would be done just in time for a midnight snack.

I need an intervention, immediately! ; )

If you are ready for warm weather, flowers on the trees and a sweet dessert in your kitchen, try a little Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp.

Here is what you will need:

I know it looks like a lot of ingredients, but you should have most of the ingredients in your kitchen cupboard. One thing you might not have is the turbinado sugar. I bought mine at a Amish store, but I have seen it at Hyvee also. It is a course  sugar that still have some maple flavor left in it.


Take your softened butter and with a pastry cutter, cut in the flour. (the recipe says to cut the butter in cubes, sometimes I forget to follow the recipes.)


Add in the brown sugar and the oats.


Add in the corn meal, salt and the cinnamon


Lastly add in the oil. Now, get crackin with the pastry cutter and mix all the ingredients together. Set aside.


Now it is time to peel and cube the rhubarb. Next, wash and stem the strawberries.


Add the rhubarb to the strawberries. Next, add in the turbinado sugar. (see how coarse it is and the light color of the maple flavor still in the sugar)


Add  in the corn starch and flour. Mix until all the flour is covered.


Dump , (is that a funny word to use when cooking?) the filling into a buttered deep dish pie plate. Spread the filling evenly on the bottom.

Take the topping and press or crumble it on top of the filling. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven.


Here is the recipe:

Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp

Adapted from The Back in the Day Bakery Cookbook

Ingredients For The Topping:

1 cup flour

1/2 cup brown sugar

3/4 cups old fashioned rolled oats

2 tablespoons yellow cornmeal

2 teaspoons cinnamon

1/4 salt

1/2 cup butter (cut into 1/2 inch cubes)

1 tablespoon oil

Ingredients For The Filling:

2 cups strawberries

4 cups 1 inch pieces peeled rhubarb (I just took a vegetable peeler and went over the backs of mine)

1 1/4 cup turbinado sugar (found at most groceries stores)

3 tablespoons flour

1 tablespoon cornstarch


Butter a 9 inch deep dish pie plate and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. You will put the pie plate on top of the baking sheet to catch any bubbling juices that might bubble out of the pie plate.

To make the topping: In a medium mixing bowl, stir together the flour, brown sugar, rolled oats, cornmeal, cinnamon, salt, butter and oil with a fork until completely blended. Set aside.

To make the filling: In another medium bowl, combine the strawberries and rhubarb with the turbinado sugar, flour and cornstarch, stirring to coat the fruit.

Pour the fruit mixture into the prepared pie plate. Sprinkle the topping evenly over the fruit mixture.

Place the pie plate on the baking dish.

Bake for 40 to 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven. The crust will start to get golden brown and crispy.

Now, all you have to do is wait for it cool off before you can eat (all of) it!

I will have to say it again, “I love rhubarb.”



Some of my favorite recipes post:


Good Morning Saturday                       Corn Bread Salad                                Crusty White Bread

Easter Bird Nest

Last Saturday, the Oldest Grandgirl and I decided to start making some Easter treat ideas. I ran across this recipe  on a Catholic Church recipe blog where cooks submitted recipes.  I thought this was a super cute and super easy recipe to make with the Oldest Grandgirl. So, we thought we would give it a go.

Oldest Grandgirl had to get her hands right in the there to form the nest.

It did not take no time at all until she had them all made. She had so much fun making them, that she got up again Sunday morning and made another batch.

Woo…hoo….(now who volunteers to wash the all the dishes she dirtied?)

If you are looking for a fun, easy, and tasty Easter treat to make with your family, try making these nest.

Don’t worry you will not need a  to lay the eggs.

Here is what you will need:

You will need some corn flakes, chow mien noodles, white melting wafers (you can use the Wilton ones too), coconut, some kind of candy for the eggs, I used jelly beans and you will need some green and blue food coloring.


In a medium size bowl, measure out the chow mien noodles and the corn flakes. Stir together.


In a zip lock bag, measure in the coconut. Add a small amount of green food coloring.


In a microwave safe bowl, measuring in the white candy melts. Place in the microwave at 30 seconds at a time, or until all the candy melts.

While I was melting the candy in the microwave, Oldest Grandgirl was kneading in the food coloring into the coconut, until all the coconut turned green.


When the candy melts were melted, add a small amount of blue food coloring and stir. Adding more coloring if you want the nest darker. When you get the shade of blue you want, pour the melted candy over the cornflakes and chow mien noodles.

Stir everything together until all the corn flakes and chow mien noodles are coating in the melted candy.

Put parchment paper on a cookie sheet and start forming the little nest. Before the candy melts harden, put a small amount of colored coconut onto the middle of each nest.

Place candy on top of coconut to imitate eggs.

Let the bird nest set until the candy has harden.

That is all there is to making these adorable little nest.

Here is the recipe:

Easter Bird Nest

Adapted from Catholic Cuisine BlogSpot


2 cups of corn flakes

2 cups of chow mien noodles

1/2 cup shredded coconut

2 cups white candy melts

jelly beans (or another candy to resemble eggs)

blue and green food coloring


In a medium size bowl, mix the corn flakes and chow mien noodles together. In a microwave safe bowl measuring the candy melts. Before you melt the chocolate, put the coconut into a zip lock back with a small amount of green food coloring. Knead in the food coloring until you turn the coconut green.

Now, you can melt the candy in the microwave, in 30 second increments, until the candy is melted. Add a small amount of blue food coloring to the melted candy and stir until the candy turns a soft blue.

Pour the melted candy over the corn flakes and chow mien noodle mixture. Stir the candy in until all the corn flakes and chow mien noodles are covered in colored melted candy.

On a parchment covered cookie sheet, spoon out corn flake mixture and form little next. This recipe makes approximately 9 to 12, depending on the size. Before the candy hardens, put the green coconut onto the middle of each nest. Press down to kinda glue to the melted candy. Lastly, arrange 3 jelly beans (or candy of your choice) in the middle of each next to resemble eggs.

Arrange these precious little yummy next on some cute little plates to show them off.

Happy April 1st!


Other post  you may enjoy:


Coconut Cream Cake                      Creamy Baked Potato Soup               Strawberry Spinach Salad


Nervous Mother Hen

See how big the little ladies are getting?

They will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. My how time flies! They are slowly losing their little downy feathers for regular “big girl” feathers.

Some are trying fly…YIKES!

Sunshine, is the sweetest thing. She was the first chick to be let out of the brooder to explore around the back yard. Oldest grandgirl, Oldeset Daughter and I got real nervous.

This little chick can run fast!

We put three of the chicks out first. Their little excursion lasted, maybe 5 minutes. We took them out into a secluded place in the yard so they could not just run off. I positioned Oldest Daughter on one side, Oldest Grandgirl on the other. The fence was on one side and the house on the other. I guarded a spot where the chicks could get through the fence. On a warm day, like 70 degrees, you can take the chicks out for a bit to get them used to outside noises and smells.

5 minutes was long enough.

Back in the brooder they went and back into the garage, where they are safe.

Now, that the little ladies are trying to fly, I drape chicken wire over the top of the brooder so they cannot fly out.

They are all tucked in for the night.

They have fresh bedding.

They have fresh food.

They have fresh water.

Lastly, they are all snuggled and warm with their heat lamp going.

I feel like the hotel commercial that says, “we will leave the light on for you.”

Chicks are fun!



Setting up a Brooder                             Baby Chicks Day One                    Checking Poopy Bottoms


Strawberry Jam

A few weeks ago, there was a sale on strawberries at my local organic grocery store. They had reduced the price of their strawberries down to .99 cents for 16 ounces.


It was a great time  to offer a preserving cooking lab for my advanced foods class using fresh strawberries. So, I showed my classes how to make freezer jam. I try not to get on my soap box too often here on the webpage. In saying that, I promise I won’t stand on it for too long. but, I feel that preserving food is an essential lesson for students.

The preserving foods lab lesson offers the students the opportunity to; cut, chop, follow a recipe, measure, and participating in, start to finish, the techniques in taking a fresh food item and turning it into preserved food, such as jam. Last semester, we took pie pumpkins and made; pumpkin seeds, pumpkin puree and lastly pumpkin pies (with home made crust). You can read about the pie pumpkins here.

This semester, my beginning foods class took the remaining pumpkin puree and made these astonishing delicious pumpkin pancakes with home made caramel sauce. (I promise I will post those recipes soon.) It was refreshing to see how many different food items we could make from the pumpkin puree. Now, my classes were making freezer jam.

Here is one box of freezer jam, about to go into the fridge. You can refrigerate freezer jam for up to 3 weeks if you want to use it right away. Since the students were going to make Southern 7 UP biscuits to eat the jam on, we just put the jam in the refrigerator. Students brought their own containers from home to put their jam in. When we were done with the biscuit lab, the students were able to take their left over jam home….that is if there was any left over to take home.

Well anywho, since I was out of freezer room at home, I decided to take my strawberries and make cooked strawberry jam.  I could process the jam in jars and then be able to store the jam in my pantry. In the three weeks or so since I made the jam, I am not sure how many I have left. It is funny how many pieces of toast you can eat when you have fresh jam to slather on top. Not that I know anything about that. : )

Don’t feel you have to wait until it is strawberry season in your area to make some jam. If you are able to find some strawberries that are on sale during the off season, give this basic, simple and delicious strawberry jam recipe a try. Here is what you need.

You will need strawberries (of course), sugar, and sure jell fruit pectin


The first thing you do is, cut the green stem off the top of the strawberries and slice up. Take a potato masher and mash the strawberries. Put the strawberries in a large sauce pan.


Add in the contents of the box of pectin and cook the strawberries and pectin together until the mixture comes to a FULL boil.


When it comes to a full boil,  quickly add in the sugar and stir. Return the mixture to a full boil.


When the mixture comes to a full boil, boil for ONE minute, stirring constantly.


Ladle the jam into sterilized jars to within 1/8 inch from the top. (you want less air in the jar as possible). Wipe the jar rims and threads. Cover with two piece lids. (screw bands and the flat lids that have the little rubber circle edge).


Screw the bands tightly. Place jars on elevated rack in canner.


Lower rack into the canner. Water must cover jars by 1 to 2 inches. Cover, and bring water to gentle boil. Process for 10 minutes.


I did not process this jar, as I did not have enough jam to go to the top, so I put it in the refrigerator for us to enjoy now. Let the processed jam stand at room temperature for 24 hours. Store processed jam for up to one year. Be fure to lable the jam with what kind of jam and the date you made it. Refrigerated jam for up to 3 weeks. Note: that jar of jam that went into the refrigerator did not last one week ; )

See, that is all there is to making strawberry jam.

Here is the recipe:

Recipe Adapted from the Sure Jell directions located inside the box of pectin.


5 cups crushed strawberries

7 cups sugar

1 –1.75 ounce box of Sure Jell


1 Bring boiling-water canner, half full with water to a simmer.

2. Sterilize  and wash jars and screw bands with soapy water and rinse with warm water.

3. Pour boiling water over the lids and let stand until you are ready to use them.

4. Measure exact amount of crushed strawberries into a 6 to 8 quart sauce pan.

5. PRE MEASURE the sugar into a seperate bowl, so you will have it ready to add to the strawberries when the time comes.

6. Add the contents of the box of pectin into the crushed strawberries and stir.

7. Bring the strawberry and pectin mixture to a FULL rolling boil, stirring constantly.

8. Quickly add in the premeasured sugar.

9. Return the strawberry, pectin and sugar mixture to a FULL roiling boil. Boil for exactly ONE minute.

10. Ladle the hot jam into the jars. Fill the jars, 1/8 inch from the top. Wipe the rim and threads of jar clean of any spilled jam.

11.  Put a lid on the top of the jar and then screw on the band, tightly.

12.  Put the jars of jam in a elevated rack in the canner. Lower the jars into the canner.

13.  Boil,the jars (making sure there is 1 to 2 inches of water over the top of the jars) for 10 minutes.

14. Take the jars out of the canner and let sit at room temperature for 24 hours. You should start hearing the lids pop as the jam cools, forming a airtight seal.

Now all you have to do is find an excuse to try some.



Other post you may enjoy:


Brown Sugar Meatloaf                               Molasses Cookies                       Poppy Seed Bread with Glaze

Cheesy Chicken with Fritos

I do not know exactly why this concoction taste so good.

It may be the chickeny, cheesy, creamy sauce, full of chunks of chicken.

It could be the salty, crunchy, corny taste of the fritos.

Maybe, it is when you mix the two together, that makes you want to keep scooping this fun (weird) combination into your mouth until your plate is clean.

Who knows? My sister Niener Wiener, invented this recipe years ago…way back…when I was in college (dust the cobwebs off my diploma). Or, at least that is when I first remember eating it.

Of course, I made the mistake in making this for the Oldest Daughter years ago. Now, she was not only was craving Apple Crisp, but was also craving this easy to make and easy to eat chicken recipe. Oldest Daughter even stopped at the store and the bought fritos.

What was a mom to do, especially after a rather long day chasing kids at school, when I was given the option of making such a simple meal for dinner?

Well, I did what other tired  (overworked) moms would do and made it.

Anywho, I thought I would share the recipe with you!

I know it does not contain all the food groups. You will notice, you do not see any green veggie on my plate, though I did make a salad full of cherry tomatoes with fat free dressing to go with it. Does that help?

Just don’t look at the back of the frito bag (32 original chips for 160 calories), just eat it and enjoy it.

You just have to like chickeny, cheesy, creamy, full of chunks of chicken poured over crunchy, corny, tasty fritos.

Seriously, who doesn’t.

Here is what you need.

You will need two cans of white chicken, 2 cans of cream of chicken soup, 2 cups of either  shredded cheddar cheese (my favorite) or a combination of cheese (that is what I used cause it was in the fridge), milk and of course, fritos.


Drain the water off the chicken, and put the chicken in a medium sauce pan. Add in the cream of chicken soup.


Pour in the milk, and the sprinkle the cheese on top.

Slowly heat on medium heat, stirring constantly, until the cheese melts and the mixture starts to bubble. I break my big pieces of chicken apart with my spoon as I stir it.

Now, all you have to do get a get a handful of fritos, put them on a plate and pour some Cheesy Chicken over them.

Oh…and don’t forget to grab your fork. : )

Here is your recipe:

Cheesy Chicken with Fritos

Recipe from Sister Neiner Wiener


2–13 ounce cans of white chunk chicken breast

2–10 ounce cans of cream of chicken soup

1 1/4 cup of milk

2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese

Bag of Fritos


Drain the water off of the chicken. Put the chicken, soup, milk and cheese into a medium sauce pan. Heat on medium, stirring continuously, until the cheese melts and the mixture is bubbly.

Serve over fritos or another chip of your choice.



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Broccoli Rice Casserole                     Messy Marvins                               Chicken Pot Pie








Apple Crisp

It took me a while to get the hint.

Over the course of the last several weeks, Oldest daughter who does not cook, suggested that apple crisp sure sounded good.

She said in once.

Then twice.

Then suggested that, when I had time, she’d love to have some homemade apple crisp.

Is that a hint?

Anywho, last summer I tried my hand at canning some apple pie filling. I used a special thickening agent called. clear jell, that I purchased at a Amish Store. The clear jell does not break down when you process the apple pie filling, like corn starch or flour. The pie filling turned out wonderful, except that I used a variety of apples that were a little soft, and the apples broke down when they were processed in the canner. What I ended up was this delightful tasty, chunky apple pie filling that would be perfect for apple crisp.

Here is a picture of my first try at making canned apple pie filling.

I decided to surprise the girl who hates to step into a kitchen (but some how dirty a ton of dishes) with warm apple crisp for dessert.

This recipe only takes a few minutes to throw together. You can use store bought apple pie filling or you can use fresh apples for this apple crisp. I will give you recipes for both, no worries.

If someone in you family gives you a HINT, try making this simple delicious and tummy pleasing apple crisp that has lots of crunchy crisp goodness on top.

Here is what  you need:

I am showing the picture of how to make this recipe with apple pie filling. (I will put the recipe for a fresh apple filling in the recipe section at the bottom. You will need one quart of apple pie filling, butter, flour, oats, brown sugar, baking powder and baking soda.

The first thing I did was pour my apple pie filling in the bottom of a 9 by 9 baking dish.


In a medium size bowl, melt one stick of butter or margarine.


Add one cup of oats and one cup of flour to the melted butter.


Now add one cup of brown sugar and 1/3 teaspoon of baking powder.


Now add the baking soda. With a large spoon, mix the topping all together, making sure all the ingredients are moisten with the melted butter.

Sprinkle the top evenly on top of the pie filling and bake for 45 minutes or until bubbly.

Here is the recipe.

Apple Crisp adapted from Alrecipes


1 quart of apple pie filling (or you could use another fruit pie filling)

1 cup quick oats

1 cup flour

1 cup brown sugar

1 stick (1/2) cup butter

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

If you are using fresh apples for the filling:

5 cups thinly sliced apples

1/2 cup white sugar

2 teaspoon flour

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 cup water


Pour the pie filling in the bottom of a 9 by 9 baking dish. If you are using fresh apples, mix the apples, sugar, flour, cinnamon and water in a medium bowl and pour into the bottom of a 9 by 9 inch baking dish.

In a medium bowl, melt the butter. Add in the brown sugar, flour, brown sugar, oats, baking soda and baking powder. Mix thoroughly.

Spread the topping on top of the filling.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes or until bubbly.

Warm apple crisp.

I am so glad, that I finally figured out what Oldest daughter was hinting at.



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Mint Layered Brownies                      Coconut Cream Cake                          Farmers Oatmeal Cake 


Corn Beef and Irish Soda Bread

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

This is a repost of my favorite Corn Beef recipe. Right now, they have corn beef on sale every where for Saint Patrick’s Day.

You will have two choices of corn beef cuts to choose from.

You can choose a Point Cut Corn Beef.

You can also choose a flat cut.

Are you confused?

Basically a Corn Beef is a beef brisket cut in two. The point cut has less fat than the flat cut. Some say the flat cut is more tender because it has more fat. And, truthfully, I thought the flat cut was tastier too.

The final choice is up to you : )

The point cut Corn Beef was so tender it sliced like butter.

Here is the link to my Corn Beef Recipe Post:

If you want to make a hearty bread to eat with your corn beef, you may want to try my Irish Soda Bread.

This is a simple, slightly sweet bread. You form the dough in a circle, score the top with a knife and sprinkle a few oats on top, then bake.

I loved it with honey, or better yet sorghum molasses.

Here is the link to my step by step instructions on how to make this yummy and hearty bread:

Have a great day and be sure to wear green….not unless you enjoy getting pinched : )


Other post  you may enjoy:


Honey Cornbread                             Brown Sugar Meatloaf                       Italian Wedding Soup 


Southern 7 up Biscuits

Have you ever noticed how many recipes have 7 up in them?

Biscuits are no exceptions.

I first got a glimpse of this recipe from Miss Kay’s Cookbook from Duck Dynasty. My sister Niener Wiener, recieved the cookbook for Christmas and I took a gander through the cookbook looking for any recipes that caught my eye. When I read about Miss Kay’s famous biscuits and that 7 up was one of the ingredients, I knew I had to try it. I did not have time to write the recipe down and I was too cheap to buy the cookbook, (cause I own more cookbooks than I want to count), but I did want to try this recipe. So, I called Niener up and got the recipe from her. Niener also mentioned she had her own recipe for 7 up biscuits. I got Niener’s recipe also, cause sometimes I am smart like that. It was a good thing I got the recipe from Niener too, cause I think that Miss Kay’s recipe has a typo in the amount of sour cream or 7 up because the dough was more of a batter. I retried the recipe using Niener’s recipe and they turn out  perfect.

These biscuits are light and airy and very moist. I love the crisp buttery crust from dipping the biscuits in melted butter before baking. They went perfect with the homemade strawberry jam I had made just a few days earlier. (I will post that recipe in the next couple of days).

I will be adding this recipe to my collection of biscuit recipes. I hope you will too ; ).

Here is what you need to make these biscuit.

You will need Pioneer Baking Mix. It is different from Bisquick. Pioneer Baking Mix has a lighter texture. I bought my Pioneer Baking Mix from Walmart. You will also need sour cream, butter and of course 7 up.


The first thing  you do is measure out the baking mix in a large bowl. Add in the sour cream.


Pour in the 7 up. Now, you gently stir to combine all the ingredients. The dough will be slightly sticky.


On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough out to about a 1/2 inch thickness. Do not add too much extra flour to the dough when you roll them out.


Cut out the biscuits with a biscuit cutter or the top of a glass. Melt the butter in the microwave and pour the butter into the bottom of a cookie sheet.


Dip the top and bottom of each biscuit in the melted butter and fill the buttered pan up with biscuits.

Bake the biscuits in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes or until the biscuits are a nice golden brown.

Now here is the hardest part.

Trying not to eat them all at once!

Here is the recipe:

Southern 7 up Biscuits

Adapted from Neiner Weiner’s recipe


4 cups Pioneer Baking Mix

1 cup sour cream

1 cup 7 up

For the pan:

1/2 cup butter


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

In a large bowl stir together the baking mix, 7 up and the sour cream. You made need to add a tad more 7 up if the dough seems a little dry. The dough should be soft and slightly sticky. On a lightly floured counter or pastry board, roll out the dough to 1/2 thickness. Cut the dough out in circles with a biscuit cutter.

Place 1/2 cup butter into a large baking pans or jelly roll pan (make sure the pan has sides). Place the pan in the oven to melt the butter.

Dip both sides of each biscuit into the melted butter in the baking sheet. Place the biscuits into the baking sheet and bake approximately 17 minutes or until the biscuits start to brown.

These are a crisp butter, moist and airy biscuits that I hope you will give a try.



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Baking Powder Biscuits                  Garlic Cheddar Biscuits                     Crusty White Bread


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