The Country Garden Update

Spring must be here!

I drove to Company’s house after work last Friday and we had to walk around his yard (acreage) to check out all the blooms. The five apples trees that he planted years ago are all blooming. Here is a picture of them in all their glory. I am hoping for a bumper crop of apples this fall. Especially after making my first ever canned apple pie filling and then used it to make Apple Crisp.

We planted two additional apple trees last fall. I am happy to say they made it through the winter and are starting to leaf out. After the winter we had and all the below O temperatures, it was a relief to see those little leaves.

In his front yard, we planted four cherry trees too. They made it through the winter also. Can you see the little blooms on the tree. I am not sure how many cherries we will get this year. (I may have to raid Niener Wieners cherry trees to get some cherries this year). Anyhow, just wait till next year, I might get enough for a pie or two. ; )

Lastly, we planted one peach tree not too far from Company’s other peach tree. It made it through the winter too.

Check out the garlic and onions. Even though I do not know which row is what, I am still super excited they made it through the winter too. You always plant garlic in the fall, but this year we planted onions to “over winter” them. I have never done that, but you are suppose to get early onions. I guess it must work, not unless all these green things are garlic. : )

It was time to start watering the strawberries. The cold weather was hard on them and I think we lost about half of the 250 plugs we planted. But, we turned on the drip line to try to save the ones that made it through the winter. I am heading over to Company’s house after work after school today to check on the strawberries and see how they are doing.

Company was suppose to till up the rest of the garden today (he is off work). So, I REALLY am going to his house to see if he actually did it. I will let you know the update on that.

Happy Gardening!



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