I literally do not know how my friend Dana does it!
She transforms her yard into one ghoulish trick or treaters delight!
Every year, she spends a couple of weeks planning, scheming and using all kinds of haunting supplies to treat all her family, friends and neighbors to a fun, food and candy filled night. She amazes my family every year. Going to her house on Halloween has become a family tradition. We get to see old friend and make new ones! Plus we get to eat! This is not a trick…it is a treat!
Beware you are entering the danger zone of ghost, witches, spiders and a creepy graveyard.
Those hands might grab you and throw you into the witches cauldron!
You might end up trapped like this poor fellow or end up in the grave yard!
The witch is in or are you a fraidy cat? Take a seat by the dead scary people in the swing and get your picture taken.
Are you afraid of spiders….or werewolves?
The bath room is not even safe……looks what watches you as you take a seat!
Even the garage is not safe! I tried to eat my yummy warm taco soup but they kept looking at me like they wanted a bite….of me!!!
They are so in love…….that is love taken to the grave!
Come back and see us! Next time I will take you for a ride on my broom!
Thank you Dana, for providing another scary fun night for my family!