Grocery Budget Update

Whew where has the time gone?

I have not posted a budget update in three weeks.

You might have remembered me mentioning I was pretty sick for a couple of weeks with a pretty bad sinus infection.

That was when the blur started.

Yes, the blur.

The blur is when your life just goes by in a big blur.

I not sure what I did, what I bought and where I went.

I know I manage to go to work and to my part time tutoring job. The house is not burnt down, so I am assuming I turned off the oven. If I cooked. I don’t remember cooking too much.

Anywho, I did go back through my bank account to see exactly what I did buy and try to make some sense as to where I am in my grocery budget.

So, let’s see if we can figure it out.

On March 24th I had $320.61 in my budget.

I bought two birthday cakes and some potato salad and coleslaw for Easter and birthdays.

I spent a total of $60.49

I had several purchases from Gerbes. This is a partial picture of what I bought. (I ate one box of cereal and the free gallon of milk I got free when I bought 4 boxes of cereal.) It is also missing some potato chip dip and a couple of packages of the new Crystal Light liquid water flavoring. (I used it up too while I was at school).

Here are my purchases:





Here is my shopping trip to Walmart for $10.33

Here is a little shopping trip to Gerbes. I bought these cereals for .50 cents a bag with BOGO coupons when the cereal was on sale for $1.00. I donated the 6 bags to the nurses office for snacks to very hungry students.

$3. 24

I bought this soda at Walgreens and got back $5.00 in register rewards. So soda ended up being around .25 cents a two liter bottle.





Yesterday, I went to Aldis to get some salad and sandwich stuff


I did not have too much time to coupon this weekend because I was working on Oldest Grand girl a costume for her Choir concert later this week. Aldi’s is a great place to pick up essentials when you do don’t have time to cut coupons.

I spent $36.33 there.

I think that is it!!!

So lets see.

I started with $320.61

I spent a total of $165.39

On March 31 and on April 7th and 14th I could add $75.00 for each week.

So when I add my weekly budget and subtract what I spent my new total is $380.22

I am very thankful that my oldest daughter who does not cook bought a bunch of veggies, fruit, hamburger, some deli meat and a couple of rotisserie chickens while I was sick. I am sure my total would be a lot less if she had not jumped in.

I think I am pretty much on the mend.

Right now, just computer screen  is a blur……cause I don’t have my reading glasses on. : D Minerva if you are reading this, I am really trying to spell all my words right hehe.

How is your couponing going? Have you found any great deals out there?

Monday starts a new week of bargains!



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