First day back at School

Whoohoo I survived my first day back this semester!

All but my first hour class is jam packed.

With the new semester, the students did not know if they had to switch classes or not. They were coming back and asking where do I go, what class do I have? I felt like Mary had a little lamb and all my little  lambs were lost. (and so were their schedules).

Students were late, some were really tardy and some never made it to class. I think the big bad wolf found them (the principle).

I had names I could not pronounce. I tried as hard as I could. Wearing my glasses will help. Maybe then I can see if it a U or a A or a R and not a N. I think I may have to give all of them nick names.

I am going to call them You Need.

You Need to sit down, You Need to stop talking, You Need to bring your own  pencil.

I am going to get a nick name too…..

My new name is, I Need.

I Need a nap : )

Other than that, I had a marvelous day back at school!

How was your day? Was your as exciting and entertaining as mine?



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4 thoughts on “First day back at School

  1. That does sound like an exciting day. I remember how fun the first day of new classes always was, seeing who was going to be in class with you, what the teacher was like, etc… I imagine it is similar for you as a teacher seeing what new students you have.

    My boys and I spent most the day napping and reading, with a little bit of playing, while trying to recover from this bug we all have. Nothing too exciting.

    I hope you got a nap in too =)

    • Hi Calyn, I hope your boys and yourself are feeling better! Friday went much better than Thursday at school. The students knew approximately where they sat and we had more constructive work to do instead of going over all the rules. : ). Thank you so much for keeping up with my activites. I appreciate it!

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