Update, Update, Update

Does this look like a future garden spot?

Imagine it without the snow. What do you think now?

First off, I want to tell you that I did not drop off the side of the planet. As much as I missed everyone here, it seemed that snow, meetings, teaching, and a really bad cold hindered me from adding a post.

I am going to take a few minutes tonight to give you; Garden Update, Budget Update and School Update.

First off the Garden Update.



Can you imagine seeing, 4 raised garden beds here?

I have been looking my back yard over, trying my best to figure out the best place to put 4 raised garden beds.

It has good drainage. It has enough hours of sun. Most importantly, it is close to my outside water hydrant. I could put the raised garden bed way down the other end of the yard. It is level there. It has full sun. But, it is really a long way to drag a hose to water it.

I do have some things to work out. I have two buried lines. One is the water drain from my gutters and the other is the buried cable wire.

The Super Hero is going to dig up the water drain from my gutters. I am  going to replace it and rebury it. I know (pretty much) where the cable wire is buried and we will just leave it alone.

I have horrible grass in this whole area. My plan is to put in the raised beds and then mulch around the beds and whole area from the tree to the fence.

I still have time to decide while I wait till the snow melts away.

Now it is time for Budget Update:

My shopping has pretty much been a mess the last two weeks.

It pretty much depended on who could get their car out in the snow.

I did make it to the grocery store twice and spent a total of $42.03.


I had two $5.00 gift cards that I received a few months ago at one of my shopping trips. Sometimes  Target offers gift cards if you buy certain products. I used $5.00 from one and then $1.00 dollar from the other one. So I bought all of this and did not pay anything for it. I still have $4.00 left on one card.

After using my the $4.00 left on my card, I paid $4.36 for everything here.

So, the total amount I spent on groceries and toiletries for two weeks is $46.03.

The only reason I did not spend more was because my car was buried in the snow (thanks to the snow plow) and my totally fab children was able to get out and buy some groceries. Getting prepared for two  snow storms, you always need extra milk, bread, eggs, ect. My oldest daughter who does not cook bought all of those items plus fresh veggies and fruit. My son the super hero, bought a big roast for the crock pot (I still manage to get it cooked the day we lost electricity) and more perishables.

Thanks to my children, they stocked up for us for the storms.

Here is my total so far since when I first started keeping track in January.

I had a balance of $262.83 on February 17th.

I added another $75.00 on February 24th.

Giving me a total of $332.83.

I have spent a total of $44.03 in two weeks.

Right now I have a balance of $288.80.

Today is Sunday and I can add another $75.00 but I decided not to. This is because of the snow storm and my kiddos bought the groceries.

It just seems fair.

This means, that of Sunday May 3rd I have $288.80 in my grocery budget.

Now it is time for school update:

For Valentine’s day my club made chocolate covered strawberries to take home. I think they ended up eating most to them before they took them home : D.

For Mardi Gras the foods class made king cake. I hid a bean in each cake for the kids to find. You are suppose to use a plastic baby but I was afraid the students might eat it by accident.

My foods class also made, no bake cookies, pop corn balls and egg frittata. I was unable to get pictures of those. Those pesky kids ate them too fast : D!

Tomorrow we are making waffle batter. The students will cook the waffles on Tuesday. I will try to get photos to show you.

Ok, my dear friends. I know this was a long post. But, now you are all updated on my little adventures from A Small Town Kitchen.

Thank you so much for following my blog. I appreciate each and everyone of you!

Rachel, I know you asked about my artichokes. I have transplanted them to bigger pots and they are doing great. I will have picture updates soon. You will be surprised how big they are getting.

Have a great start to a new week!








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4 thoughts on “Update, Update, Update

  1. Hope you are over your cold, we’ve been dealing with colds too, ugh.

    I think that looks like a great place for four raised beds. I bet you could make a really pretty setup with a walkway in the middle or something, depending where those burried lines are.

    Hope all this snow melts soon. We are so over snow lol! Trevor said that he heard on the radio, even when the snow melts it won’t make much of a dent in the lake and river levels from the drought still. Isn’t that crazy?

    Just wanted to stop by and say hello, kinda been mia myself lately lol. Have a great week!

    • I have missed your emails! I hope all is well with you and your kiddos! I am feeling better now but youngest grand girl has been home from day care with an ear infection. I think the spot from the pictures I will be my raised garden beds. I am hoping the buried lines do not cause me a bunch of problems and I am going to try to do somekind of walkway around them. I have nothing but weeds there that I have to mow so I am going to cover much of the area with mulch (I think). It depends on the cost. Thank you so much for keeping up with me! So glad you stopped to say hello!

      • Mulch you can get free from the boone electric coop once a year. They send out a mailer with when or you can call and ask when it will be. You can take your truck (or borrow someone’s) and they’ll put the mulch in the bed. It’s from the branches and etc they cut each year to keep the lines clear. Fantastic program!


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