Onion Seeds Update

Can you see it?

You have to look really close.

Here is a better picture.

Do you see it now?

Yes, that is it!

I have a ONION sproutling.

Yep, your eyes are not decieving you, there is just one of them.  At least on one tray, there is just one sproutling.

Remember me telling you about planting onion seeds with my oldest grand girl last Sunday. If not, your can read about it here. I was worried that grand girl had over watered and floated the little seeds off in the flood. On the first planting tray, grand girl did a great job. She measured the depth and put little seeds way down in the potting soil. On the second tray…well…..the attentioin span of a 10 year old took complete control of her actions and she just sprinkled the seeds on top. The seeds are probably floating down the Missouri river right now.

So, this afternoon I took a good look at the two trays.

Here are the trays sitting on top of a basket (full of Christmas beanie babies). The tray without the lid is the tray with only one onion sproutling.


Here is the second tray with the lid off. See the little sproutlings?


Here is a closer look.

So, I dug little holes into each little container and put a little onion seed into each one.

Can you see the little holes? Now, they are all covered up with a new little seed in them.

Now, they are all watered and covered up in front of my big window, ready to soak in the sunshine! One tray will just be a week behind the other. No big deal.

They can’t grow too fast. Cause right now, I have no clue where I am going to plant them outside.


Oh well, I have eight weeks to figure it out.

I better at least think on it, cause I ordered artichokes seeds 3 days ago.

How is your garden going? Do you have raised garden beds or do you do container gardening?

I may need some help!

Happy Gardening!


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2 thoughts on “Onion Seeds Update

    • I am not sure I know if I know what I am doing, but I am having fun trying. It also keeps oldest grand girl busy. Your picture is super cute! I also went to your website. I really enjoyed readying about your family! Maybe you could grow a couple of things this summer!

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