Mark Your Calendars! Some Chick laid an Egg!

I have been on “egg alert” for a few weeks now. I know that all the books said that chickens do not start laying eggs until they are 5 months old.

But My little chicks, are over achievers.

I just knew that I would get an egg before they were 20 weeks old.

And guess what?

I did!

One of them laid a egg at 19 weeks and 5 days old. : )

My very first, urban chicken egg! (you would think I laid it myself, I am so proud)!

I would not have seen it if Oldest Daughter Who Does Not Cook  was not in, “Urban Chicken Keeping” training.

I will tell you the whole story!

I am getting ready to leave on vacation. (yep, heading out of town (state) with PIC and baby brother, Sparkle (their daughter) PIC’s Mom and Company). So, Oldest Daughter will be on chicken duty for a week. She is SO excited! (cough cough). I was showing her how to change their (poopy) water, fill their crumble (food) feeder and throw in fresh pine shavings. Oldest Daughter was looking in the coop and she spotted something. She asked me if that was an egg. I told her there was not a egg in the nesting boxes, and she said, NO…down there on the ground, in the coop.

I looked closer and there is was…..a egg!

I start cackling (yelling) for the camera. One of the Rhode Island Red chickens peck at the egg. I quickly took my little rack I use to clean the coop out with and cover the little egg with it.

In the mist of all the eggciting news, youngest grandgirl got a hold of the hose.

After she drenches herself and the rest of us, she takes a good look at the little egg.

Which chicken do you think laid the egg?

The Rhode Island Reds?

The Barred Rocks?

The Buff Orpinton? (her name is Sunshine)


The Easter Egger named Bunny?

Here is a picture of the chicks in the box I brought them home in when they were one day old.

My how time flies!

There is the little beauty, but she looks a little lonely.

Are you my big sister?????

Another fun day in urban garden/chicken-ville.


Other post you may enjoy reading.


Call Me Mother Hen                     Checking Poopy Bottoms            Setting Up a Brooder


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