Thirty two Cheesecakes and Counting

I bet you have wondered where I have been. It has been a crazy week for me. Somehow I got the flu. I thought I had been teaching long enough to build my immunity against every germ known to students! I guess I got the flu from my kids. The nerve they have! I ask you, Is that a way to treat the person that brought you into this world???? no sirreee! I was sick for two days in bed. Wanted to stay in bed another two. Wish I could have!

120 boxes of cream cheese kept calling for me from my fridges at school. Cheesecake….Cheesecake….I want to know who gave them my cell phone number!

Sleeping in and watching Harry Potter for another two days was out of the question. I had to go back and make cheesecakes for a dessert theater I help with at school.

My goal was to make 30 cheesecakes in two days.

In the end, my students helped me to make a total of 26 cheesecakes. I had two wonderful friends at school bake three a piece for me at home! So total I ended up with 32 cheesecakes.


We made four Chocolate Swirl Cheesecakes.


Three Strawberry Swirl Cheesecakes.


Also, three Brownie Fudge Cheesecakes. If you love chocolate, then you will think this cheesecake is to die for!


Six, Red Velvet Cheesecakes. This cheesecake has a red velvet bottom layer with a cream cheese top layer that is drizzled with chocolate and garnish with chocolate shavings.


Four, Cookie Dough Cheesecakes. Those are pieces of cookie dough tucked down in to the filling and sprinkled with chocolate chips. This is one of my favorite cheesecakes. I posted the recipe on a earlier post.


Nine, Classic Cheesecakes. These were served plain or topped with blueberries or cherries.


Three, Peanut Butter Cheesecakes. This was pea-nut-delish-ous! It was topped with whipped cream with peanut butter added and garnish with a chocolate kiss. 



Here is pictures after we got the cheesecakes all cut and on display.


A few behind the scences pictures while we were cutting and decorating each piece.

After it was all done. Dishes washed, tables cleaned, left over cheesecake put back in fridge. I texted my PIC (sister in law).

 First text: I am sitting in my room too tired to go to my car.

Second text: I made it to my car but too tired to drive home.

Third text: Can you come and drive me home?

Her text back to me: “I can call a taxi for you!

I drove myself home : ).

I will post all the recipes for the cheesecakes over the next several days. You can find the CookieDough Cheesecake on an earlier post.

This is my week in review of being a FACS teacher!



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