Is 40 Boxes of Cereal too Many?

We love cereal at our house! Not just love love. We LOVE LOVE cereal at our house!

Kellogg’s, General Mill, Post and Quaker Oats; I could have used these names for middle names for my girls.

But, I ask you, is forty boxes of cereal too much???

Normal people would be aghast and fall over in a faint!!!! Not so, with people that use coupons.

I will try to explain.

The coupon deals comes in waves and you got to catch the wave and buy buy buy. It means you will save save save.

My stockpile of cereal had a wee little bit of empty space.  Youngest college daughter came home for the weekend and poof an empty space in cereal stockpile appeared. I wondered why her car looked loaded down when she waved bye and peeled out of the driveway.

I have not bought cereal for several months because we have been using from the stockpile. (Stockpile is a couponers term for, “kitchen pantry is too full”) My family and I would just go to the stockpile, like you would at a cereal isle in the store and get another box of cereal when we needed it. The main rule is that you have to get the cereal from the front row. So sorry, if you are craving frosted flakes and the only box of frosted flakes are in the back row. The cereal is put oldest to the front and newest to the back. The only way the rule is broken, is if you are sick for 10 days and the doctor orders you to eat the frosted flake cereal from the back row. OR, if you are the Mom….and if the kids are not looking,  grab the frosted flakes from the back row, hide it under the bed and go happily to the bedroom with a glass of milk and a bowl…oh, a spoon too. : 0 )

Anywho, going back to my wee bit of space in my cereal stockpile. There just happened to be a sale on Cheerios and other General Mills cereal this week at Gerbes. I could buy cereal, with a coupon, from 75 cents to $1.69 a box.


First, I bought 4 boxes of cereal; 3 cheerios and 1 cocoa puffs.


I got four boxes of cereal for $4.11.

The cereal zombie in me took over and I bought eight more boxes.

This time 4 cheerios, 2 cocoa puffs and 2 golden grahams for about $11 dollars. I would show you my receipt but the wind grabbed that receipt and took it on a trip down the street. I could not decide whether to drop the cereal in my arms and start running after the receipt, or just saying bye bye receipt?  It is probably in Kansas by now.

12 boxes of cereal for an average cost of $1.30 each. (I added $4.11 plus $11.50 and divided it by 12)


I can sleep like a (cereal) baby tonight. I have that wee bit of space in my stockpile filled with cereal, I bought it for a great price, I don’t have to worry about buying cereal again until college daughter comes back into town with an empty trunk, and the best part is that I still have a hidden box of frosted flakes cereal in the back row…..

Is 40 boxes of cereal too many????

Well… I have to answer that question or can I just go eat some frosted flakes….

Where is my favorite spoon??

Cee–re–all later!


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