Gardening Update


Guess what I bought a couple of weeks ago?

Does anyone out there recognise the green leafy and rooty plant?

It is really edible…I promise.

Have you heard of rhubarb?

Does strawberry rhubarb pie sound familiar?

Well anywho, even though I am a (somewhat) country gal I really do not remember eating rhubarb pie growing up. I think it is because I loved eating apple pie so much. After a couple of large slices of apple why would I want to eat some pie with a weird name like rhubarb in it….right???

I was wrong.

Yes, I will own it!

The first time I introduced my taste buds to rhubarb was in college. My foods teacher (yes the scary one) had us make a rhubarb spread for our biscuits. I feel in love with the tartness of the rhubarb stalks. I thought it was so amazing that you could cut the little stalks into chunks and cook them down with sugar and make this combination of sweet and tartness into a  spread for your biscuits or bread in 30 minutes.

Since then I have only made that spread a few times because I can’t find rhubarb stalks.

This year I decided to plant my own.

It only took me two weeks to find someplace local where I could buy the roots. I had to pay almost $8.00 for each chunk of roots.

Was that too much money???

I was told by local farmers that you usually can get the roots from a friend when they divide up their plants for free.

That is great when you have friends that have rhubarb growing in their garden. My friends perfer to plant things like tulips, iris, lilies and roses.

So, I went on a mission to find some rhubarb. I was at a point I would pay what ever price the store wanted.

Yes, I am crazy sometimes.

Anywho, I bought my rhubarb and dug two holes and planted them right in my  flower bed.

Yep, they are planted next to my iris, lilies, cone flowers and a few weeds too.

Here they are all snug as a rug with a nice layer of mulch.

They will grow there for two years before I can cut the stalks to make into jam or a nice big pie.

So, it looks like I will have to try to find some stalks this year to make some tangy spread.

Or find myself a farmer friend who will give me some.

Do you know one?

I don’t either : D

What have you planted so far this year?

 With all the snow I am a few weeks late in planting anything except my garlic (I planted way back in Dec) and my rhubarb. I have a bunch of seedling in the house that is just waiting to get outdoors.

I will have to show you pictures of all my little seedling and big seedlings this weekend.

Tomorrow is Friday…whohoo!!!

The weekend is almost here.




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