Tornado Drill Waffles

It has been hard planning my lessons for schools because we have only had school 2 to 3 days a week the last 3 weeks.

Because of the snow days I was unable to have the students make their waffles until I knew for sure we would have school 2 days in a row. My classes only last 47 minutes. By the time the students come in, I take attendance then give directions to the kiddos, I have lost 10 minutes. We are not able to make batter and cook all the batter off in the waffle irons with the amount of time left in class.

So, we make the waffle batter one day, wrap it up tight in the refrigerator and then cook them all up the next day.

It is a win win. The students have more time in the kitchen to make their batter and clean up. The students also have more time to cook their waffles and enjoying eating them while still having plenty of time to clean up.

This system works really good unless there is a tornado drill in the middle of class.

Yep! We had a tornado drill about 10 minutes into class.

It is weather awareness preparedness week, or something like that this week. Which means that we need to have a tornado drill.

I knew it was coming. I was warned the day before.

But, I had promised the kiddos that we would make waffles, tornado drill or not.

When the alarm sounded (actually the alarm did not go off so they used the intercom) my munchins went down stairs to the correct classrooms and as soon as we got the all clear, we headed back up stairs to make waffles.


I was afraid I would need red shoes and wish I was Dorthy and want to go home. But, the kids did great, albeit some dirty dishes I had them wash up today.

We did have one little misshapen. One kitchen left a waffle cooking in the waffle iron. By the time we found it, it had turned into a very brown waffle Frisbee.

Cooking with kids… gotta love it!




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2 thoughts on “Tornado Drill Waffles

  1. Lol, waffle frisbee!

    We had no idea about the state wide drill. The sirens went off here about 1:30pm Tuesday and at first I was like… must be Wednesday noon…. wait… no it’s Tuesday at 1:30. Went and looked on and there was nothing at all. By some weird coincidence at the same time my mom got a glitched Tornado Warning message pop up for boone county on her Iphone. Fun fun! Took nearly 10 minutes before popped up a ticker saying that is was a state wide drill. It was an exciting ten minutes for us, lol.

    • Oh yes, waffle frisbees, my kiddos have even made hockey puck biscuits. Aren’t they talented LOL!

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