Bring Me My Needle and Thread; FACS Teacher Week in Review

It is Friday!

I survived my first full week back at school. It is the beginning of a new semester and I have over a 100 new students.

That means new names for me to learn.

I tried doing roll call for attendance to see if that helped. It helped a little bit, but after three days I was stills pronouncing half of the names wrong. Last semester, I never could get one girls name right, so I just called her Merv. When I  see her in the hallway, I still call her Merv. Other students just look at me like I am from another planet, but isn’t that what junior high students thinks adults come from anyway.  Like maybe a planet called Old Fogies, or Geezer Galaxy.

Any who, I am off topic.

I will keep working on those pesky names, and matching them with the correct student so I am not calling the wrong parent….how embarrassing would that be. That would be a BIG OPPS, in the OPPS  department.

Back to my school week in rewind.

I started Monday morning with a fire drill at 8:10 am in 22 temperature weather. The door we have to go out of leds down a incline onto the football field. The incline was frost covered, so half asleep students were doing a little slip sliding down the hill and a couple of them took a little tumble. They were ok, but by this time everyone was awake.

We went back into the school after the all clear was given, refresh and invigorated from our outing.

Over the course of the next few days, students kept coming in with mending jobs. A pair of favorite pants her brother ripped at home, wanting to know if I could sew them up; a pj bottom that the elastic was torn off; 2 pair of jeans that she loved that had tears in the front and in the back. She had been wearing them to school with a LONG t-shirt so no one would notice; a pair of sweat pants that need the back seam sewn back together in time for gym; a cuff ripped off of a sweatshirt.




All finished with these two pair of pants. She did not want the rips at the knees sewn up….you see, that is the style now.

Good thing someone invented leggings to wear underneath them.

It took most of the week, sewing between classes, to get them all done. I finished the last pair of pants this morning. I was glad that I was able to get them all finished before the weekend.


A cute little student came in and showed me her purse. The strap on her purse had torn off and it needed sewn back on. I told her I could do it. She said that would be great and she would bring it back in on Monday. I will let you know how many mending jobs I do next week.

This just reafirms to me that sewing is not a lost art. It is still needed and still appreciated. I will use this example to my students when we start our sewing unit in about a month. When they ask me, “why do we have to learn to sew?” I am going to say, “because if you tear a hole in your pants you cannot download a patch.”

Happy Friday!






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